速報APP / 商業 / Truffle Dealer for New York

Truffle Dealer for New York



檔案大小:18 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Truffle Dealer for New York(圖1)-速報App


In 5 easy steps, you can get your hands on fresh, rare truffles.

Step 1. Create an account, and enter the world of truffles.

Step 2. Choose a Sabatino Truffle Dealer in your area by clicking on the ST Icon.

Step 3. Specify the species and number of truffles you’d like to buy and request a Truffle Dealer.

Step 4: A Sabatino Truffle Dealer will contact you shortly to schedule an appointment.

Truffle Dealer for New York(圖2)-速報App

Step 5. Answer the knock on your door, and pick out your truffles!

* Credit card is the only form of payment. We do not accept cash or check.

The only app to get fresh truffles at your door within 2 hours!

You will get a glimpse into the secret world of truffles. From back doors of restaurants to your front door, you will experience exactly what the chefs experience when picking out truffles!

Our truffle dealer will present you with the most gorgeous truffles.

Depending on season, you will see Summer Truffles (tuber aestivum), Burgundy Truffles (tuber uncinatum), Black Winter Truffles (tuber melanosporum), and/or White Truffles (tuber magnatum pico).

Summer Truffles: May-September

Burgundy Truffles: September- November

Black Winter Truffles: November-March, June-August

Truffle Dealer for New York(圖3)-速報App

White Truffles: October-December

Sabatino Tartufi, a family-owned truffle company since 1911, is the world’s largest truffle specialist. For over 110 years, Sabatino has been cultivating and distributing the highest quality Italian and French truffles.

Truffle Dealer for New York(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad